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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: p-Adic length scale hypothesis, M_89 hadron physics at LHC mass scale for which RHIC and LHC have given strong indications, Mersenne primes p=M_n= 2^n-1 are preferred physically for instance, gluons correspond to M_107 characte- rizing the effective p-adic topology of hadronic space-time sheets, leptohadron physics at p-adic length scales assignable to leptons and their colored excitations possible in TGD for which evidence exists for all charged leptons, P-ADIC LENGTH SCALE HYPOTHESIS assumes Mersenne primes p=M_n= 2^n-1 are preferred physically, charged leptons correspond to Mersennes and Gaussian Mer- sennes that is electron corresponds to M_127, the largest Mersenne prime not defining super-astronomical p-adic length scale, P-ADIC LENGTH SCALE HYPOTHESIS assumes that p-adic primes p near to powers of two, that is p≈2^k, k some integer, are physically preferred, Mersenne primes p=M_n= 2^n-1 are preferred physically for instance, weak bosons correspond to M_89, P-ADIC LENGTH SCALE HYPOTHESIS "almost-predicts" copies of hadron physics and weak physics, P-ADIC LENGTH SCALE HYPOTHESIS "almost-predicts" leptohadron physics at p-adic length scales assignable to leptons and their colored excitations possible in TGD, charged leptons correspond to Mersennes and Gaussian Mer- sennes that is muon corresponds to Gaussian Mersenne M_G,113, charged leptons correspond to Mersennes and Gaussian Mer- sennes that is τ lepton corresponds to M_107, copies of hadron physics and weak physics such as M_89 hadron physics at LHC mass scale, copies of hadron physics and weak physics such as copies of hadron and weak physics in biologically interesting length scale range 10 nm-2.5 micrometers containing four Gauss- ian Mersennes, P-ADIC LENGTH SCALE HYPOTHESIS makes sense in all length scales, even cosmological ones, Mersenne primes p=M_n= 2^n-1 are preferred physically for instance, charged leptons correspond to Mersennes and Gaussian Mer- sennes, Mersenne primes p=M_n= 2^n-1 are preferred physically for instance, atomic nuclei correspond to Gaussian Mersenne M_G,113